Dark Sirens set 1
This is from a shoot that was named Dark Sirens. It was done at a river, and was supposed to be sort of an evil mermaid theme but expanded out beyond those original perimeters. I leaned into the "dark" of the name in my editing. I tend to have an aesthetic preference for darker, moodier, less well defined than many people. But the great thing about art is that you can make what you like, and people can enjoy it or not. I don't feel there is any one "right" way to either make or enjoy art. There is just art and audience, and the art may connect with some or all of the audience, or it may miss it's mark completely. Sometimes this will happen for reasons that have nothing to do with the art itself. It may be the mood of the audience at the time, it may be the context in which the art is presented, it may even be due to some feeling for or against the artist responsible quite aside from the art itself. Hopefully my audience will get the mood I was going for here